
Basically, all filters modify the base terrain shape directly. They can be combined and grouped into Biomes. Biomes are limited to Biome Layers and are used to blend a specific region on the terrain. The filters that belong to a particular Biome Layer are only applied along the Biomes Layer mask.

World Creator categorizes all filters logically. For instance, filters that erode the terrain fall under the Erosion category, while filters that create terraces can be found under the Terrace category. It is important to note that filters in the Experimental category should only be used for testing purposes and should not be used in production. These filters are still under development and may undergo changes. Once these filters are finished, they will be placed in their respective category inside the filter list.

If you examine the image above carefully, you will notice a search field located above the filters list. Utilize it to conveniently find a filter by its name.


Adding a Filter

To create a new Filter, simply click on the plus icon (marked yellow in the image below) to open the Filter list.

Inside the filter list, select the filter you would like to add and left-click on it. 

If you enable 'Filter Live Preview' in the toolbar, you'll notice that World Creator generates a live preview of the selected filter when you hover over it in the filter list. This allows you to quickly iterate through all filters and preview their effects before adding them.

Upon selecting a filter from the provided list, it will promptly and automatically be added and applied (as displayed below, we opted for the Erosion - Wide Flow filter).

Quickly switch to another Filter

Sometimes you may need to change the filter while retaining the underlying Distributions and Effects. For instance, if you selected an Erosion filter that covers specific portions of your terrain and established some Distributions and Effects, but later discovered that another Erosion filter better meets your requirements than the one you used initially. In this case, you would typically need to delete the current filter, add the new filter, and re-establish all Distributions and Effects from the beginning.

For this kind of scenario, there is a more effective method in World Creator. Find the replace icon situated to the right of the filter that requires replacing with another filter.

By selecting it, you can access the filter list and choose an alternate filter. As illustrated in the image below, I changed from Erosion - Wide Flow to Erosion - Hydraulic.

Renaming a Filter

Filters can be renamed by double-clicking on their name.

Rearranging a Filter

Use the drag-and-drop feature to rearrange the filters in the list. They can also be moved to another biome or group.

Removing a Filter

Delete the filter you wish to remove by pressing the DEL key on your keyboard or dragging and dropping the filter to the 3D viewport.

Toggle a Filter

Toggle the visibility of a selected filter by clicking the eye icon to the left. Filters that are disabled will not be applied to the terrain. You may also toggle the entire filter list or filter group.

Restore specific Filter Settings

Right-double-click any of the Filter Settings to reset them to their original values. You can also right-double-click on the section titles to reset all settings for that section.

Grouping Filters

Filters can be organized by creating folders. To do this, click on the folder icon located next to the list of Filters, as demonstrated in the image displayed below.

If the folder contains sub-folders, the same rule applies for renaming these. To create a sub-folder, click the folder icon next to the specified folder. To rename a folder, simply double-click on its name. Moving a filter into a folder is as simple as using drag and drop.

Getting more information about a specific Filter

Sometimes the filter settings can be overwhelming, and in such cases, it would be helpful to have documentation explaining each filter parameter. To address this need, we have implemented a direct link to our online filter documentation.

To access them, simply click on the information icon in the filter's settings displayed in the image below.

This will bring up the online filter documentation, allowing you to learn more about the selected filter.

 Next: Using and Working with Materials