
These settings affect the general application settings of World Creator.


  • Language
    Change the language of the application.

  • Interface Scale
    Scales World Creators Interface. Can be useful for higher resolution monitors.

  • Limit FPS
    Allows you to limit the FPS of the renderer while working.

  • Limit Unfocused FPS
    Allows you to limit the FPS of the window while it isn't focused.

  • Use Generator Start Delay
    Delays the start of the generator, which can be helpful on heavier scenes as it creates prevents World Creator from directly recomputing the terrain after changing a value.

  • Screenshot Transparent Background
    If enabled, the background of screenshots will be transparent.

  • Show Intro
    If enabled, the intro will be shown at the start of World Creator.

  • Temp Directory
    World Creator stores temporary files (e.g. terrain data on larger terrains) here.