Before you can purchase a World Creator license, you must first request a quote. Once a quote has been successfully requested, you will be able to create an order from the quote. Quotes are typically used to check if the pricing and terms are OK - resellers would typically use this quote to show their customers to see if they accept it. Now let's start creating a quote.

To request a quote, click on the +NEW QUOTE button as seen in the image below. 

This will take you to a new page listing all of our products/licenses. This page should look similar to the image below.

Here you must select the license you wish to purchase/renew by clicking one of the large blue buttons to the right. For example, let's request a quote for the Professional license by clicking on the button shown in the image below.

Clicking on this button will bring up a form similar to the one below.

Here you need to enter the name of the license owner (for companies this should be the company name) and the license owner's email (the email used for the World Creator account that will keep track of the license). Finally, enter the number of licenses you wish to purchase and click the big blue REQUEST QUOTE button at the bottom right.

For our sample we will request a quote for 2 licenses for a company called 'Another Company' with an email set to

If everything went well, you will see a confirmation dialog telling you that the quote was successfully created. Now you can review the quote and download it as a PDF file. To do this, click on QUOTES as shown in the image below.

This will take you to a new page listing all the quotes you have requested. This page should look similar to the image below. As you can see, the information you provided when you requested a quote has been used to create a quote.

All the quotes you have requested are listed on the QUOTES page. Here you can download each quote as a PDF (blue download button), accept a quote (green thumbs up button) or decline a quote (red thumbs down button).

Next: Creating an order