
Simulation layers provide a brand-new method to alter your terrain by utilizing extensive matter-based physics simulations for your World Creator terrains.

Each simulation layer is linked with a sediment layer, which stores the produced matter and upsamples it similarly to World Creator's base terrain with the level steps system (further information about this system can be found in this article). Then, each stage can continue to further simulate the sediment, providing the highest fidelity result at every resolution while also interacting with the filter system.

It's important to note that the area you set in the properties only refers to the spawning area. The simulation can go beyond the boundaries, allowing you to position sediment emitters on the terrain and let World Creator take care of the sediment's or fluid's realistic placement.


General Simulation Parameters

  • Simulation Type
    Allows you to switch between the different simulation modes which are further explained below.

  • Iterations
    The number of iterations the simulation will run for. This is also further adjustable for each individual level with the level steps panel above the main slider.

  • Spawn Level
    The level at which the matter will be added to the terrain. After its addition, it will simply be processed by the layer on each level according to the iterations.

  • Spawn Amount
    The amount of matter that will be added to the terrain.

Simulate Sand

This simulation mode can be used for the simulation of granular materials. It simulates the given matter with a particle-based system that moves the material from an unstable position downhill until it finds a stable state and in the process fills up crevices and cracks.


  • Erosion Angle
    The angle at which sediment will become unstable and start slipping downhill.

  • Slope Angle
    The angle at which sediment will no longer continue moving. The talus formed at the bottom of a mountain will take on this angle.


sedimentationpainting sedimentation onto the terrain

Simulate Fluid

This simulation type allows you to run a fluid simulation on your terrain in World Creator. Depending on the parameters it can be used to simulate basic water movement or other thicker liquids like lava. Additionally, it can be used to fill local depressions and thereby create lakes on your terrain which can then be textured with the Simulation Layer distribution.


  • Viscosity
    The viscosity of the fluid controls how fast and fluid the matter reacts. This allows you to change the appearance of your fluid from water to a thicker substance like lava.

  • Speed
    The speed at which the liquid travels over the terrain.

  • Wind Direction
    Controls the direction of the additional wind force.

  • Wind Strength
    Adds an additional wind force to the velocity of the simulated matter.

  • Wind Level Multiplier
    Links the wind strength to the current level step. This is helpful because the distance between pixels increases with each level step and the effect needs to be scaled with that in mind.

  • Wind Randomness
    Randomizes the wind direction, allowing for a more natural result.


painting an upstream water source (iterations = 0)the simulation creates rivers and lakes in natural depressions

Next: Advanced Noises in World Creator