World Creator 2024.2

Released on 15th June 2024

New Features

  • New Render Mode: Textured Render Mode
  • New Distribution: 10 new noises
  • New Noise Filters: 10 new noises
  • New Biome Base Shape Styles: 10 new noises
  • New Shape Layer: Model (3D stamps)
  • New Export: Topo-Map
  • New Distribution: Model
  • New Filter: Swirl
  • Textures now can be aligned to path layers
  • Added Matcap support (see Options / Graphics)
  • Added ability to load online samples in the samples browser
  • New Gradient Control: You now can add your own custom colors (double-click above gradient)
  • Updated Worley Noise: New parameters added
  • Updated Perlin Noise: New parameters added
  • Updated Cameras: Custom position input now possible
  • Heatmaps: Now also working for paths and rivers
  • Save File: An icon now appears on the bottom left side of the viewport indicating a safe progress
  • Distributions are now logically categorized


  • Updated Fast Render Mode now using Matcaps and renamed to Matcap Render Mode
  • Rearranged the toolbar into groups for better visibility
  • Changed the simulation icon
  • Curvature Distribution: Changed default values
  • Blur Effect: Changed default values
  • Changed the shape layer icon
  • Changed the incremental save icon
  • Changed the render mode icons
  • Changed save-as icon
  • True size export for non-normalized 32f formats
  • Removed a rdundant settings label for Adobe Substance materials

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue causing borders along the terrain edges
  • Fixed an issue where the log file showed some strange characters causing a buffer overflow
  • Fixed an issue where World Creator crashed under specific circumstances caused by heatmaps
  • Fixed and issue where undo was broken for sliders in some cases
  • Fixed an issue where the initial startup logo was off due to Windows internal text scaling
  • Fixed an issue where the mouse curso information overlapped the measuretook information
  • Fixed an issue where the measure tool was off due to Windows internal text scaling
  • Fixed an issue where the mouse cursor information was visible while taking a screenshot
  • Fixed an issue where World Creator did not start due to graphics device selection 
  • Fixed an issue where World Creator crashed on AMD GPUs

World Creator 2024.1

Released on 5th April 2024

New Features

  • New Shape Layer: RIVERS (MAJOR FEATURE)
  • New Shape Layer: POLYGON
  • All Shape Layers can now be rotated
  • Paths and Rivers can be exported to splines
  • Added Spline Import to Path Layers
  • Added ability to set Export folder to custom location
  • Added a toolbox button for quickly accessing the Screenshots folder
  • Added Saturation, Contrast and Brightness controls for Gradient Materials
  • Added Incremental Saves (check documentation)
  • Added latest support for Adobe Substance Materials
  • Added Rain and Wind Settings to Hydraulic Sediment Filter which is no longer declared as Experimental.
  • Added ability to load HDRI maps to be used for background and lighting
  • Added ability to set min/max values when importing custom heightmaps into a Stamp Layer
  • Added a new Filter: Hexagon
  • Added a new Filter: Squeeze
  • Added a new Filter: Rocky Layers
  • Added a new Effect: Repeat


  • Improved all Distributions for better performance
  • Improved Path Layers regarding overlapping paths
  • Localization was removed from the Application resources and is now dynamically loaded from the webserver
  • Localization reduced to support English, Korean, Japanese and Chinese languages only
  • Updated all information boxes (specifically for sculpting, paths, now rivers and polygon tools)
  • Updated full online documentation
  • Focusing the terrain now adapt to hidden and non-hidden UI
  • NEWS in the Main Menu now links to the websites NEWS page
  • Licensing now happens on the webserver (Network DLL file was removed)
  • Unfold a full tree in Hierarchy now with LEFT-ALT and LEFT-CLICK
  • Changed Gradient Button DELETE to CLEAR
  • First Biome in the project is always unfolded when running World Creator
  • Updated to .NET 8 resulting in a general 15% performance improvement
  • Heavily optimized export for much faster execution
  • Added additional Export Information in case that the export might be to heavy for users GPU VRAM
  • Improved Export Naming Convention capabilities specifically for Unreal Engine exports

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed all AMD related issues
  • An issue where the Curve Filter caused a full application crash
  • An issue where the Curve Distribution caused a full application crash
  • An issue where resetting Adobe Substance Materials caused a full application crash
  • An issue where the Sync-Operation caused issues for non-uniform terrains
  • An issue where the Canyon Base selection caused a full application crash
  • An issue where exporting the Normal Map caused a full application crash depending on precision
  • An issue where exporting the Splat Map caused a full application crash depending on precision
  • An issue where the Swirl filter did not work properly
  • An issue where the Flows heatmap did not work properly
  • An issue where the Splat Map export caused wrong results
  • An issue where the Layer Operations did not work properly
  • An issue where the Material Preview did not update when the Material was changed
  • An issue where the Gradient Material Height Range did not work properly
  • An issue with the Color Picker in combination with several Filters causing heavy performance drop-down
  • An issues causing some projects to fail on load

World Creator 2023.4

Released on 17th November 2023

New Features

  • Simulation Layers as paintable masks providing perfect control over sediments
  • Height-Blending was put back and is working as expected
  • Path-Layer now supports infinite width and fall-off values
  • Color map export now includes stochastic distribution
  • Added terrain grid for better scale visualization reasons (see toolbar)
  • Added camera groups along with camera views also supporting the import of FBX cameras (see Scene)
  • Added scaling information for MapTiler Shape Layers
  • Added new Steepness Distribution
  • Added Rain Maps for Erosion Filters
  • Added Erosion / Soil Maps for Erosion Filters
  • Added Saturation / Brightness and Contrast parameters for Textures / Gradients and Adobe Substance Materials
  • Added gradient presets with preview (like in World Creator 2)
  • Added additional export information for number of tiles created dependent of the terrain size and precision


  • Added additional visual hints for adding export layers to prevent misunderstandings
  • Adapted the 'Fit to Terrain' button for each layer for better visual appearance
  • Adjusted initial parameters for almost every filter so they create much better results when added
  • Text color was made a bit more brighter for better visualization
  • Gradients are now set to 'Custom' by default
  • Seed sliders for Perlin and Worley Noise Distributions have been adapted to look as any other Seed slider in World Creator
  • Erosions are now categorized into Basic Erosions and Advanced Erosions
  • Removed 'Channels' and 'Interleaved' for Heightmap export
  • Better organization of the Options Menu
  • Adjusted initial values for MapTiler Shape Layers
  • Removed Fill Distribution as it does exactly the same as Value Distribution

Bug Fixes

  • An issue where the export of larger terrains created seams along the tile borders
  • An issue where the export of color maps created some artefacts along the borders
  • An issue causing weird Grouping behaviours when moving groups or toggling group visibility
  • An issue causing memory leaks on the GPU
  • An issue causing World Creator to crash when reloading a material's texture
  • An issue where all splats disappeared when 'Use Terrain Direction' was enabled
  • An issue where Distortion had no effect for the Voronio Effect
  • An issue that prevented an Effect to be removed once added as a child Effect
  • An issue causing World Creator to crash if a top-most Effect was moved below other Effects
  • An issue causing persistend Heat-Map rendering even after removing a Filter or Effect
  • An issue causing World Creator to crash when resetting Parameters to their default values
  • An issue where the UI was not updated when Realtime Generator and Filter Live Preview was enabled
  • An issue where the colors for the Heatmap Fill and Heatmap Background parameters were changed
  • An issue causing World Creator to crash when changing a Sculpt Layer's resolution
  • An issue where 'Resample' caused a black export for splat maps
  • An issue where the Fill Soft Filter simply did not process at all
  • An issue where the initial GPU selection window was in the background of the main World Creator window
  • An issue where mouse cursor was set to center window each time the user clicked on a filter using the search filter function
  • An issue where the Texture Tile Size did not scale properly with the terrain size
  • An issue preventing the re-creation of materials if the Material folder was toggled
  • An issue causing artifacts on reflection surfaces in Fast Render Mode

World Creator 2023.3

Released on 15th September 2023


  • Polished all Arid Filters regarding Invert toggle representation and Min/Max Count and Angle representation (UI)
  • Removed the Samples slider of the Fill Soft Filter as it had no effect
  • You now can adjust the minimum FPS when the World Creator windows has no focus

Bug Fixes

  • An issue where World Creator crashes when closing the application window before the login screen appears
  • An issue where you can change a Level Step Strength value with a single right-click
  • An issue where the Roughness Slider has no effect for the Roughness Map export
  • An issue where World Creator crashes when importing a custom mask image to a Mask Layer
  • An issue where World Creator crashes when removing all Biomes but creating a Biome Mask Layer afterwards
  • An issue where new World Creator versions won't apply user data of previous version
  • An issue where the General Strength slider of the Ridge Filter has no effect
  • An issue where the GPU information overlaps the Drawing / Brush Tools
  • An issue where the the F1 key does not open the documentation

World Creator 2023.2

Released on 18th August 2023


  • Completely new UI and Workflow

Bug Fixes

  • Several performance Bugfixes

World Creator 2022.2.1

Released on 5th September 2022

Bug Fixes

  • An issue causing the creation of different workstation IDs due to virtual network cards 
  • An issue not allowing perpetual users to login on application startup

World Creator 2022.2

Released on 17th June 2022

New Features

  • Added GPU device selector where you can choose which GPU device should be used when running World Creator
  • Added export for distribution maps
  • Added export for roughness maps
  • Added Export for specular maps
  • Added export for Bridge Tools
  • Unity Bridge Tool available for download through customer portal (Unity LTS version only)
  • Unreal Bridge Tool available for download through customer portal (Unreal version 4 yet, only)
  • Updated Fast Render Mode (added a grid, improved rendering)
  • Added 1/8 precision mode to support 8192 by 8192 terrain resolutions
  • Added EXR import / export
  • Added RAW import for Heightmap Filter
  • Added TIF 16/32 bit export for height maps
  • Added orbital camera to view terrain (use LEFT-ALT key and mouse)
  • Now using MapTiler's improved Satellite Imagery Data version 2
  • Added Seamless terrain feature (allows you to create tileable terrains including tileable coloring)
  • Added Z scale option for better Unreal Engine export
  • Added Single Channel export for all image formats
  • Added Refund Policy agreement to installer

Bug Fixes

  • An issue where masks got edited while while moving sliders in the UI
  • An issue where a custom base shape was edited while moving sliders in the UI
  • An issue where export menu settings disappear after exporting (single save button)
  • An issue where World Creator crashed when trying to create a new export preset
  • An issue where the export went into the parent folder if the selected folder was empty
  • An issue where World Creator crashed after setting up multiple export presets
  • An issue where World Creator crashed when trying to export as mesh
  • An issue where splat-map export is broken
  • An issue where the last save location was not saved properly
  • An issue where the Mesh had flipped UV coordinates
  • An issue that sometimes caused crashed due to license file
  • An issue with JSON errors in log file
  • An issue where the height-map gets flipped when exported
  • An issue where World Creator crashes when clicking the textfield to enter a MapTiler token
  • An issue where the height-map gets flipped when exported
  • An issue where TIF import caused a crash in World Creator
  • An issue where heat map export did not work properly

World Creator 2022.1

Released on 27th February 2022