Simulation layers have several shared features as listed below:

  • UI in the Treeview

    In the UI you can change the name of a simulation layer by double-clicking its name (here Erosion - Wide Flows). Additionally, you can change the type of a filter to any other of World Creators filters by pressing the arrows to the right of the name.

  • Parameters

  • Simulation Type
    Allows you to switch between the different simulation modes which are further explained in their respective articles.

  • Iterations
    The number of iterations the simulation will run for. This is also further adjustable for each individual level with the level steps panel above the main slider.

  • Spawn Level (not in every simulation)
    The level at which the matter will be added to the terrain. After its addition, it will simply be processed by the layer on each level according to the iterations.

  • Spawn Amount (not in every simulation)
    The amount of matter that will be added to the terrain.

  • Mask

    Each simulation layer comes with its own area and mask, which you can adjust at the bottom of the simulation settings. To create a custom mask simply press the Edit button at the bottom or import a custom image.
    area/mask ui