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Path layers modify terrain based on custom paths set up in World Creator. This feature enables the building of various structures such as mountains, valleys, rivers, or streets.



Constructing a graph

To modify your path, click on the red Edit button found at the bottom of the panel. The graph can be edited through the following key combinations:

  • Adjust all Nodes
    Hold Shift

  • Add a new Node
    Press Shift key and Left Mouse

  • Move/Scale a Node
    Press Left Mouse and Drag (can be combined with Shift to move all nodes).

  • Remove a Node
    Press Ctrl and the Right Mouse on a node (can be combined with Shift to affect all nodes).

  • Change Height
    Press Alt, Left Mouse and Drag (can be combined with Shift to affect all nodes).

  • Rotate Path
    Press R, Left Mouse and Drag .

  • Edit guidelines for a selected point
    Guidelines for each point are calculated automatically by default. To switch between manual and automatic mode, double-click on a point.


  • Operation
    Select the appropriate blending mode for the shape layer.

  • Level Step
    The level at which the path will be integrated into the terrain. For softer but larger-scale modifications, use a lower blending level, and for sharper and more detailed results, use higher levels. Moreover, the World Creator's filters will have to work on the terrain more frequently when a lower blending level is used.

  • Path Width
    The base width is multiplied by the width of each control point. If the overall width is 0, individual point widths cannot exceed 0.

  • Path Falloff
    Falloff of the path. This is added to the path width.

  • Path Falloff Curve
    Falloff steepness.

  • Noise Strength
    The noise is added to the path width.

  • Noise Scale
    Adjusts the noise scale along the path's length.

  • Closed
    Connects the first and last control point if enabled.

Building a valley

Construction of the valley involves adding a path layer and placing points along the desired location of the valley. To obtain higher quality results, we need to make the modification at a lower level to allow World Creators filters more iterations to work on the terrain.

Additionally, widening the crevice and increasing the falloff will create a smooth blend into the terrain.

base terrain
modified terrain

Constructing a mountain road

This example will demonstrate the construction of a road that ascends a mountain using switchbacks. The process will involve creating mountains by using a path layer, leveling out a base for the road, and finally adding a third layer of Tarmac.

To create the mountain range, a simple path with two peaks and a lower pass in the middle can be generated. The layer for the path must be positioned on a lower level so that it aligns seamlessly with the terrain, and it can be subjected to erosion by World Creators on multiple levels.
To add volume to the mountains, we will increase the width and falloff of the path.

base terrain
mountain range

The road is constructed using two path layers.
To create a smooth surface for the road, the first path layer is applied at a lower level with a higher width and falloff. The lower level of the first path layer allows for a smoother blending of the base into the surrounding mountains. To create the road, simply copy the first path layer and use it as the base.
To ensure the contour of the road is visible, the second layer is applied at a higher level with a lower width and falloff. Following this process will result in a clear contour for the road in the final terrain.

 a base for the road
add the actual road

To achieve the final terrain, we create a material that references our road path layer and uses path distribution. Paint the road with a uniform dark gray color to achieve a tarmac-like appearance.

final result

Next: Understanding Model Layers