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The Crater filter enables you to add either a single crater or several random craters to your landscape.


  • Single Crater
    This toggle allows you to prevent the scattering of multiple craters. If enabled, only one crater will be created.

  • Offset X/Y
    Shifts all crater locations in the specified direction.

  • Seed
    The seed of the randomized crater positions and parameters.

  • Radius
    Controls the minimum and maximum limits for the randomized size of the craters.

  • Edge Height
    Controls the minimum and maximum limits for the randomized edge height of the craters.

  • Crater Depth
    Controls the minimum and maximum limits for the randomized crater depth of the craters.

  • Width/Length Ratio
    Controls the minimum and maximum limits for the randomized aspect ratio of the craters, enabling the creation of stretched craters.

  • Rotation Range
    Controls the minimum and maximum limits for the randomized rotation of the craters.

  • Inner Size
    Controls the size of the crater itself.

  • Outer Size
    Controls the size of the falloff of the crater walls.

  • Crater Scale
    Scales all craters uniformly from the origin.

  • Crater Probability
    Controls the density of craters the filter produces.


multiple craters
a single crater