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The Steep Terraces filter allows you to add terraces to your terrain. It offers a variety of parameters to customize and adjust the terraces to your needs.


  • Height Range
    Sets the height range in which terraces will be created.

  • Terraces
    The number of terraces that will be created in the set range.

  • Steepness
    Controls the steepness of the vertical walls of the terraces.

  • Intensity
    Controls how strong the terracing effect is on each terrace. A lower value will create a really sharp heightmap while higher values will keep more of the noise of the original terrain.

  • Top Falloff
    Allows you to smooth the upper edge of the vertical terrace walls.

  • Rot X
    Shifts the terraces angle. This allows you to create tilted terraces. The slanted terraces work best when the filter only runs on one level step.

  • Rot Y
    Rotates the terrace angle around the up axis. To have a visible effect Rot X may not be 0.


slanted terraces