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The Hydraulic Sediment Filter combines hydraulic erosion and thermal erosion in one filter which allows it to create highly realistic erosion. It also provides sediment layer features with varying erodability to further enhance the realism of the terrain.



General Settings

  • Max Erosion Amount
    The maximum amount of material that can be eroded at each pixel.

  • Iterations
    The number of iterations for which the simulation is run.

  • Level Step Multiplier
    Multiplier for the filter's erosion delta at each level step. This can help the filter to increase its power at higher levels, where the effect would normally be reduced due to the greater distance between locations (from the higher resolution).

Hydraulic Erosion

  • Surface Erosion
    The strength of the erosion.

  • Sediment Loss
    Steady amount of sediment that is suspended each step.

  • Suspend Loss
    How fast a droplet disposes of sediment.

  • Erosion Sample Offset
    Increases the droplet travel distance.

  • Erosion Softness
    Softens the erosion result.

  • Erosion Height Range
    Limits the erosion to a specific height range of the terrain.

  • Flow Rotation
    Rotates the flow direction of a droplet, creating more dune-like sedimentation.

  • Water Start
    The amount of available water at the start of the simulation.

  • Rain Strength
    Constant fluid increase, that is added with each simulation step.

  • Rain Probability
    Lowers the chance of rain appearing in a simulation step.

  • Evaporation
    The amount of water that is lost in each simulation step.

  • Wind Strength
    Adds additional wind to the water particles.

  • Wind Direction
    Changes the direction of the wind.

  • Wind Randomness
    Layers additional noise over the wind direction.

Water Percentage

  • Levels
    Controls the amount of water added at each level.


  • Thermal Erosion Strength
    The strength of the thermal erosion.

  • Thermal Erosion Sediment Loss
    Constant amount of sediment that is placed at each simulation step.

  • Sediment Transport Speed
    How fast thermally eroded sediment travels downhill.

  • Thermal Sedimentation Slope
    The angle at which thermally eroded sediment will settle.

  • Thermal Erosion Slope
    The angle at which a pixel will become unstable and contribute to the thermal erosion.

  • Thermal Slope Smoothing
    Smooths the thermal erosions result.

Surface Layers

  • Layer Strength
    Strength of the layering feature. Offers control for the lower layer ending and upper layer ending blending.

  • Scale
    The scale of each layer. Decrease this value to get more layers.

  • Height Offset
    Shifts the layers up and down.

  • Layer Smoothing
    Smoothens the transition between layers.

  • Variance Strength
    Adds noise to the height and offset of the layers.

  • Variance Scale
    Adjusts the scale of the noise which is applied in the variance step.

  • Variance Offset
    Shifts the variance noise.

  • Variance Noise Octaves
    The octaves of the variance noise.


rocky erosion
strong rocky erosion
deep erosion
desert erosion