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The Strata filter adds rock-like features to your terrain by combining several layers of directional noise lines at different scales.


  • Seed
    Changes the result of the filter.

  • Spacing
    Controls the spacing between the individual noise lines.

  • Direction
    The orientation of the noise lines in world space.

  • Tilt
    Tilts the noise lines between 0 (top down) and 90 (front facing) degrees.

  • Width
    The width range of the lines.

  • Rotation
    Adds random rotation to individual lines to get a less parallel result.

  • Iterations
    Controls the amount of noise lines per pass.

  • Octaves
    Spawns several passes of noise lines.

  • Lacunarity
    Alters the size of successive line octaves.

  • Gain
    Controls the strength of all successive passes.


base strata
strata on a gradient primitive shape layer