The main panel includes everything necessary to set up and design your terrain, rendering, export, options, and more. All actions can be performed in this panel, with no hidden pop-ups or windows.

The Main Panel can be split into:

We will now explain each of them in detail. Some elements, such as the Tree view and the Properties view, have in-depth sections that are covered in other articles. We suggest that you continue reading the documentation page by page, so you can become familiar with World Creator.

The Application bar

The Application Bar features buttons that are usually found in the FILE menu of other applications. Apart from that, it displays version-specific information, such as EARLY ACCESS which indicates that you are using an unstable beta release that may crash and have some runtime issues. We usually release such versions before issuing a stable official release.

From right to left:

  • Main Menu
    Closes this project and returns to the main menu.

  • New
    Starts a new blank project.

  • Load
    Loads an existing project from a file.

  • Save
    Saves the current project.

  • Save As
    Save the current project by creating a new file.

  • Sync
    Exports the project to a format compatible with the World Creator's Bridge Tools. This is the best option if you want to transfer your terrain to other applications like Unity, Unreal Engine, Houdini, Cinema4D, Blender, and more.

  • Screenshot
    The current viewport is captured in a screenshot and saved in the screenshots folder at
    [SYSTEM DRIVE]:\Users\[USER]\Documents\World Creator

  • About us
    Opens a pop-up window that displays information about the team behind World Creator and more.

The Tree View

The Tree View exhibits the application contents' logical arrangement, particularly for the terrain. As depicted in the image below, you see the Terrain section that extends to a Biomes section, which shows various Biomes that you can design and create. Filters (used to alter terrain shape), materials (used to add color to the terrain), and objects (used to place 3D models on the terrain, which will be added in a future version) are the constituent parts of Biomes.

To work within the Tree View, you got the following options:

  • Move
    Drag and drop the

  • Delete 
    To delete the object, either drag it into the viewport and release the left mouse button or press the DEL key

  • Duplicate
    Hold down the CTRL key while dragging

  • Rename
    Double-click on its name

  • Add new element
    Click on the plus icon next to the name

  • Group elements 
    Click on the folder icon and position the elements underneath it

  • Change filter/material type
    Click on the circular arrow located at the right end of an elements name in the tree view

  • Expand/Collapse all elements
    The two buttons to the right of the search field at the top

Properties view

The Properties view displays the properties and settings of a selected item from the Tree view. The settings displayed in the Properties view will vary for the selected item in the Tree view. The settings below demonstrate the default Biome element.

Things you will most commonly encounter:

  • Seed
    As World Creator is based on procedural processes, almost all elements that have this nature expose their seeds. If you are unhappy with the result, try changing the seed to get a different variation.

  • The Level Strengths 
    The (in this case) 12 bars below the offset sliders. This affects how much a filter works at each level of the terrain. The whole level step system is explained in this article.

  • Start Level or Level Step
    You can find this option in World Creator's shape layers and base shapes. This sets the element's level within the level step system, where it will blend into the terrain. Refer to the level-step article for a more comprehensive guide on how to work with it.

Status Bar

The status bar displays the progress of the internal generator. Modifying the terrain or anything related to it that requires re-generation will trigger the internal generator to process the changes. This displays the current status of the process. The World Creator is a GPU-based real-time generator that ensures ultra-fast processing, hence, real-time without causing any inconvenience.

Next: Understanding Terrain Size and Detail