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The Model layer allows you to import your own custom 3D model into World Creator and integrate it into your final terrain creation. In addition to simply adding it to the heightmap, World Creator also allows you to seamlessly blend its materials into your color maps.

model layermodel layer with multiple instances


  • Add Model Instance
    Press Shift and Left Mouse

  • Remove Model Instance
    Press Ctrl and Right Mouse

  • Select Model Instance
    Press Left Mouse

  • Translation Mode

  • Rotation Mode

  • Scaling Mode
    Z or Y


  • Model
    Specify the model to load.

  • Color Blending
    The influence of the mesh color data on the final material.

  • Color Height Blending
    Smoothly interpolates the mesh color data based on the height.

  • Blend Distance
    Controls the fade distance of the color height blending.

Next: Understanding Polygon Layers