If World Creator crashes immediately after running the executable file, then please check the log file which you can found at the following location:

C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\World Creator\Versions\[VERSION]\log.txt

Open that file with a text editor and scroll down to the last entry. It should look similar to the following text:

Exception: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'context') Callstack:
at SkiaSharp.SKSurface.Create(GRContext context, GRBackendRenderTarget renderTarget, GRSurfaceOrigin origin, SKColorType colorType, SKColorSpace colorspace, SKSurfaceProperties props)
at SkiaSharp.SKSurface.Create(GRContext context, GRBackendRenderTarget renderTarget, GRSurfaceOrigin origin, SKColorType colorType)
at WorldCreator3.UI.SkiaRenderer.Rebuild(Texture renderTarget)
at WorldCreator3.WorldCreator.Initialize() at QHobcdjfY6cDlRbF0P.XaRW86QbuOd9mcCiHC.ihoftOSdD(String[])

The interesting part is this one here:

Exception: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'context')

This means that World Creator was unable to create a Vulkan context and instance. Vulkan is a graphics API like OpenGL or DirectX that comes with your GPU drivers.

The problem is that you may have installed an application called GamePP, which installs a buggy Vulkan layer, causing Vulkan-based applications like World Creator to crash.

The solution is to uninstall GamePP and remove the GamePPSDK folder in C:/ProgramData, otherwise World Creator and any other Vulkan based application, will not start.