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With stamp layers, you can import custom heightmaps into World Creator and blend them seamlessly into your terrains.

Once you've chosen your height map, you can adjust additional parameters to blend the stamp effectively into the terrain. The Level Step setting is the most critical of these parameters. World Creator's terrain engine uses an iterative upsampling process, starting from a 2x2px height map and progressively increasing resolution up to your chosen output resolution (e.g. 1024x1024px at level 10).

The Level Step parameter determines at which iteration the stamp will be blended into the height map, resulting in either a smoother representation of your height map with lower values or a sharper representation with higher values. However, higher levels will limit the World Creator's procedural filter system from making significant modifications to your terrain.

The following images showcase the effects of various level steps and the decreasing impact of our erosion on the higher levels.

low level
medium level
high level

If your stamp does not appear on the selected level step, it might be because the level step of your biomes is higher and is therefore overwriting your stamp.

In addition to the level step, you also have area settings that enable you to accurately place and blend your stamp with the existing terrain to enhance your final composition.

The last important feature of the stamp map is the ability to import colormaps, in addition to your heightmap. By default, the colormap of a stamp is applied to every material. You can disable it by turning off the option Use Shape Layer Color in the material settings. Bear in mind that this setting will also affect all other shape layers, including MapTiler layers.

Next: Procedural Layers